Bernard Moore bowl with silver rim


A flame with silver rim decoration made by the master potter, Bernard Moore, circa 1905.

I don’t normally purchase ceramics but I always get excited when I see pieces by Bernard Moore with silver or copper rims. Bernard Moore was one of the original directors of the Potteries Cripples Guild which was later renamed the Duchess of Sutherland Cripples Guild. A small number of pieces of ceramics by Bernard Moore were produced with silver mounts by the Guild. The silver rim is unmarked in this case but it is certainly in the style of silver mounts produced by the Guild, particularly after the arrival of Francis Arthur Edwards around 1906.

The bowl itself is a lovely red flame with a patterned inside which can be a little difficult to make out in certain light. It is marked faintly to the base for Bernard Moore. It also has the decorators mark of Hilda Lindop. Sadly, little is known about Hilda’s decorating career.

So a lot going on with this bowl, made by Bernard Moore, decorated by Hilda Lindop with silver mounts possibly by the Duchess of Sutherland Cripples Guild.


Dimensions:    8″ at widest diameter by approximately 3 1/2″ tall

Condition:    I’m no expert on ceramics but looks good. One tiny white spot in the bowl and some wear to the underside of the foot the bowl stands on.

Price:   £250